Corporate Social Investment originated from philanthropy when the value it added to the reputation of the organisation was recognized. Previously, the terms CSI and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) were used interchangeably, but have now been defined separately. CSR refers to an organisation’s total responsibility towards the business environment in which it operates. CSI aims to uplift communities in such a way that the quality of life is generally improved and safeguarded. CSI encompasses projects that are external to the normal business activities of a company and not directly for purposes of increasing company profit. These projects have a strong developmental approach and utilise company resources to benefit and uplift communities and are not primarily driven as marketing initiatives.
Contact: Bernice Myers , 083 275 6992 & email – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">